15 September, 2010

Where and When: Warehouse 13 gets it right


I've been watching Warehouse 13 for a while now. It's fun... like X-Files for this generation. Of course, I can't help but notice hair now when I look at anything, and thus have been frustrated consistently with the head of  Claudia, a character who I'll admit, I didn't like in the first place. In my defense, here's what started this whole thing...
GAH. That flipped out mess is NOT working. They don't always style it like that, here's an article focusing on her cut , which is SO much prettier on her than her long tresses seen here in a photo before Warehouse 13 cast her. 
Anyway, recently they've been doing a much better job with her hair, straightening and smoothing it and BLENDING it beautifully...
But NOW, they've blown it out of the water. FINALLY a HUGE WIN on the Warehouse 13 set! A recent episode called Where and When rocked out the 60's inspired looks for a back-in-time adventure! Here are a few screen shots of the hair, done, I found, by a woman named Susan Exton-Stranks.
First; claudia gets curly:Myka gets a beehive.Pete gets a masculine/preppy side part and slick, Armani, here he comes :)
Adorable curls on this extra, and a beautifully executed beehive.

03 September, 2010

Focus, Breathe, and be Successful

I have needed to recharge my drive lately... the past couple of days i've been fighting off allergies and it's party season and I've begun to loose focus in the face of fun. This is my LIFE. I have to take it back. Success is a number one priority and I'm gonna get it. It's time to breathe life back in to my motivation. It's time to get back in the fast lane and drive like a winner. I can, I am, and I will.

01 September, 2010

What inspires me?

There's a fashion show coming up at PMTS Nashville, called The Bang Bang Blowout! I'm in a royalty segment and I've been trying to communicate to the models how to use their bodies in interesting ways while in their costumes... and I keep saying "you know, Fosse!" and "go look up Bob Fosse" and "You know how Beyonce' moved in her last two dance videos... that but better!"...

Anyway, I was doing some research to figure out how to pose them. I came upon this compilation video on youtube, so I'm sharing it with a few other videos that I've been absorbing. Today, this is what inspires me:)


A few other links I got excited about;